



版权声明:本文为 DLonng 原创文章,可以随意转载,但必须在明确位置注明出处!


今天又是全国英语四六级考试,不知道小伙伴们感觉如何啊,如果你觉得自己可以通过,那我可要祝贺你了,因为你已经超过了许多人了,可不要小看这个考试,我身旁还是有很多通不过的。如果你觉得这次又没戏了,那莫不妨看下这篇文章,我相信对你会有用的,因为这是我的切身实践经验,当然,觉得自己可以过了,也不妨看下,为你的六级通过提前做准备不好吗,其实阅读也就需要 5 分钟左右的时间。


首先,问问你自己,用心学英语了没有。你可能会说,我想学但是学不进去,背单词,做题太特么无聊了,还不如打 LOL 呢。一般我听到这种话,我就知道 Ta 们不是觉得无聊,而是身边没有使用英语的环境,这使得学习英语成为 Ta 们的的一种负担,自然就会产生抵触心理。所以最有效,最简单的让你主动去学习英语的方式是为自己营造一定的英语环境,持续不断的积累并使用英语,而不是为了应付考试的前几周的突击,只有这样才能真正学会英语,并爱上英语,而不只是会考试。一旦你学会了如何学习英语,其实你就学会了如果取得成功,因为英语是你成长路上一个非常重要的帮手,看看马云利用英语超过了多少人。


这个没有统一的标准,因为每个人的职业都不尽相同。比如我经常跟计算机,代码这些打交道,我平常的学习和生活环境都是英文,这包括我的电脑和手机的系统语言,代码的注释等等统统用的英语,我平常还经常听英文歌 :),并且我已经开始坚持用英语来写技术博客了,比如之前写的一篇 Binary Search 博客,里面使用的都是最简单的英语单词和句式,但是只要你坚持多写,多练习,总会有收获的,3 天打鱼,2 天晒网是没用的,因为没有人能够随随便便成功。



比如,如果你想我一样程序员出身,你完全可以模仿我的做法,强迫自己使用英语的学习环境和日常生活环境。因为这样不仅能够提高英语能力,还能提高技术和品味,最重要的是能够提高你的逼格;如果你是英语专业,但是还没有过,那你应该去找老师沟通沟通,这个我无能为力了,毕竟你是用英语吃饭的,我这小巫见大巫…;如果你喜欢做宣传,你大可去结交老外,用英语向 Ta 们宣传你们的产品;再比如你经常跟文学打交道,你大可尝试使用英语来写一篇小說,第一篇肯定非常难写,但是要坚持,著名的文学作家张爱玲在香港读大学的时候,为了锻炼自己的英文能力,坚持用英文写了 3 年的作品,你应该向她学习



如今互联网时代给我们提供了太多的学习资料和工具,我这里推荐 3 个我认为最好的,并且我每天都在使用的工具。


首先,我没有打广告,这完全是自己使用过英语流利说 APP ,觉得好用有用才在这里推荐给你们的,谁用谁知道。我最近一个月每天早上都使用这个 APP 读 30 分钟的英语,感觉真的不错,不仅能够锻炼口语,还能了解许多有趣的东西。你的手机只需要装这一个学习英语的 APP 就够了,相信我,这是我的亲身实践体会,绝不是鸡汤,可惜的是,现在人人都抱着手机刷动态,可是真正学习的人真的不多,如果你能使用手机来提高自己的英语水平,那么你又超过了许多的人,没错,中国人那么多,只要你认真,努力,坚持,就能超过很多的人,毕竟优秀的人总是少数。

Google 翻译

Google 翻译,这是 Goolge 出品的在线翻译工具,我一直在使用,可以中英文互相翻译,效果非常好,不用翻墙也可以访问,Google 出品,必属精品,强烈推荐。


Translt 是 Google Chrome 浏览器的一个划词翻译插件,你可以在谷歌商店里面直接搜索插件名称然后安装到浏览器中,即可在网页上用鼠标选择一个单词来实时翻译,看英文文档非常爽,不需要翻墙,但是必须要有网络。

PS: 这里还要感谢 stormzhang 分享了许多好用的插件。


上面说了那么多,其实我就介绍了 3 点:

  1. 尽力为自己营造使用英语的环境,强迫自己使用英语
  2. 利用碎片化时间在英语流利说上面学习英语
  3. 学会使用翻译工具

你只要了解并认真实践这 3 点,坚持一个月,没有效果是不可能的,不管你信不信,我反正是有很大的收获。如果你觉得有效,那么继续坚持下去,并分享给你的朋友(好东西齐分享,一起快乐成长),我相信,英语会让你的人生道路更加平坦。

最后,祝愿大家都通过这次和下次的英语四六级 :)


Why are you also can not pass CET-4 / 6 ?

You love and hate today

Today is the CET-4/6 exams,I do not how many boys and girls feel. If you think you can pass it,then i have to congratulate you,because you have more than a lot of student,do not underestimate this test,i have a lot of student not pass this test. If you think this time is over,i suggest you read this blog,it is my personal practical experience. Of course,if you can pass this time,it can also help you to prepare the next CET-6 exam. In fact,reading will take about 5 minutes or so.

Why are you also can not pass CET-4 / 6 ?

First of all,ask yourself,do not study English. You may say,I want to learn but do not go in. For example,back words,do much boring question,not as good as playing LOL. When i hear this,i know that they are not bored English,but they do not use the English environment which makes learning English become a burden,naturally will produce conflict psychological. So the most effective and easiest way to learn English is to create a certain English environment for yourself,continuous accumulation and use of English,rather than reviewing weeks before the exam. Only in this way can you really learn English and fail in love with English,not just pass the exam.

But how do you create your own English environment ?

This is not a uniform standard,because each persion’s career are not the same. For example,I like programming and computer,my usual learning and living environment is in English which includes my computer and mobile phone system language,code comments,etc. I also often listen English songs :),and I have begin to insist on using English to write technology blog,such as before writing a Binary Search blogwhich is the use of the most simple English words and sentences. But as long as you insist on writing,more practice,there will always be harvested,3 days fishing,2 days drying is useless,because no one can casually success.

Give a few occupations as an example.

For example,if you like me is a programmer,you can imitate my practice,forcing yourself to use English learning environment and daily living environment. Because it can not only improve the ability of English,but also imporve the technology and taste. If you are English majors,but have not had pass this time,then you should go to communicate with your teacher. If you like to publicity,you can go to make foreigners,using English to promote your products. And if you often deal with literature,you can try to use English to write a novel,the first one is certainly hard to write but stick to it. When the famous literary writer ZhangAiling in Hong Kong,in order to execise her English ability,insisted on writing in English for 3 years. You shoule learn from her.

In conclusion,you must have your own ideas,you shoule find a place to use English and can enhance your value,and then forced yourself use English. Those who can make great process in the final are forced to do not do good things finally make love,in the end got a lot of opportunities and has achieved great success. There are other occasions where you can execise English well,such as taking an English community,partcipating in an English speech contest,and so on…

Some learn English tools

Now,the interent has provide us with too much learning materials and tools,i recommend here three of the tools i think are the best and every day i ise it.

Speak fluent in English

First of all,I do not advertise,I have entirely used the English fluent speak APP,feel useful. I used this APP every morining for 30 minutes in the last mouth,I feel really good,not only able to practice speaking,but also to learn a lot of interesting things. Your mobile phone only need to install this one to learn English APP is enough. Believe me,this is my personal experience,not chicken soup. Unfortunately,now everyone is holeing mobile phone brush dynamic,but have so little people to study use mobile phone really. If you can use your phone to improve your English level,then you are more than a lot of people. Yes,the Chinese people so much,as long as you serious,hard,insisted,you can more than a lot,after all,good people are always a few.

Google Translte

Google Translte,which is Google’s online translation tool. I have been using,it can translated between English and Chinese,the effect is very good. And it don’t use VPN,Google produce,must be fine,highly recommended.


Translt is a wording translation plugin for Google Chrome. You can search the plugin directly int the Google store and install it in the Chrome browser.You can use the mouse to select a word on the page to real-time translation,see the English document is very cool,don’t use VPN to access Google,but must be have a network.

PS: Here also thanks to stormzhang share a lot of easy to use plugins.

At last

Above said so much,in fact,I introduced the three point :

  1. Try to create your own English environment and force yourself to use English.
  2. Use fragmentation time to study in English speak fluently APP.
  3. Learn to use translation tools.

You just understand and seriously practice these three points,stick for a month,no effect is impossible,whether you believe it or not,i have a great deal of anyway. If you feel effective,then continue to stick to it and share it with your friends(Good things to share,happy to grow together). I believe that English will make your life path more flat.

Finally,I wish everyone through this and the next four or six English :).

DLonng at 06/17/17